Queen's Pageant
The Barnesville Pumpkin Festival will be holding their annual Queen, Princess and Mini Miss Pageant on Sunday, September 22, 2024 at Barnesville High School. Areas of competition include Private Interview with a panel of judges, evening gown modeling and the contestants choice of a talent presentation. Age divisions are Mini Miss 6-9 years old, Princess 10-13 years old, and Queen 14-19 years old. We will award a winner and two runner ups per age division, everyone will receive a gift for participating, and the winners will receive a beautiful rhinestone crown, our signature gold sash, a bouquet of flowers, a ceramic pumpkin topped trophy, cash awards and more! You do not need to be from the Barnesville area to enter. To register please fill out the information below and submit by September 6, 2024.
On Saturday, September 28, 2024 we invite all royalty to join us for the annual Queen's Luncheon and Giant Pumpkin Parade. To register for the luncheon and parade, please fill out the "Luncheon & Parade Registration" form below and submit by Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact Autumn Kessler through email or text/call (740) 827-4664 or Lisa at (740) 232-8069.
Little Miss and Mr. Pumpkin
The Barnesville Mother's Club sponsors the Little Miss and Mr. Pumpkin contest each year. Youngsters between the ages of three to five compete for the titles and first and second runners-up are named in both categories. The contest is held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at the First Christian Church New Life Center, 219 W Church St, Barnesville. All determinations are made by the luck of the draw and contestants must be present to win. For information, contact chairpersons Kim Young at 740-238-0337 or Aleysa Hendershot at 740-579-1426. Entry deadline is Saturday, September 21, 2024.
Little Miss and Mr. Pumpkin Entry Form & Information
Pumpkin Baby
The Barnesville Mother's Club sponsors the Pumpkin Baby Contest. Babies from birth to age two are eligible. Contestant's parents will be given raffle tickets to sell in their quest to have their baby named the next Pumpkin Baby. Contestants selling the most tickets will be named the winner. Winners are announced on Thurs., Sept. 26, 2024 at the First Christian Church New Life Center. For more information, contact Lora Wildes
740-391-1984 or Sherrie Temple 740-238-0692.